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Rabu, 04 Maret 2015

15 Programming Languages ​​You Need to Know in 2015

Technology is growing in 2015, ranging from gadgets will continue to release new brand, variants and new models. In addition, the application is in it will also be new and make anyone using a smartphone or other desktop applications increasingly facilitated. The role of designers and programmers are also very important in creating convenience for the community at large. Being a programmer also ahur slealu news updates and new science anything about - about increasingly required by them. Including programming languages. In 2015, there are 15 languages ​​that are required and need to know even studied by programmers. What is it?

1. Java
Java is one of the very popular programming language in building and developing both mobile and desktop applications. With Java and the whole framework, the website developers can create scalable web applications for many users. Java also is an application used to develop native applications for Android smartphones and tablets.

2. Javascript

Any websites or websites that currently exist on the internet to enable Javascript. This programming language to create a website or view the site becomes more interactive. More user friendly and responsive. We can use the Javascript programming language with one of dozens of popular Javascript framework. And Javascript will be more popular when the development of a responsive website keeps going and sought by Internet users.

3. C #
C # is the main language used for the development of Microsoft's platforms and services. C # is the fastest way offered by Microsoft and can be used when you want to build modern web applications or applications deskto strong for our business. C # is also popular as a developer of Unity game engine and become one of the main languages ​​used. Sounds very ancient indeed but very necessary and most sought-after.

4. PHP
Applications such websites in any form would require the data in it. Programming languages ​​such as PHP and MySQL database is an important tool that can not be separated, when we want to build modern web applications. The strength of the PHP programming language used by the majority of today's data-driven website and a basic technology that is used to build a website content management, such as WordPress. And the programming language is easy to develop, so it is very easy to use by programmers either beginner or already expert.

C ++
For beginners, a programmer can first learn the programming language C ++. If we want to test the ease and strong results in the processing of data in our application, C ++ is the right choice. This language is also robust to create desktop applications such as gaming hardware accelerated and memory intensive applications on the desktop, console and mobile devices.

6. Python
Python programming language is rarely heard or may rarely use, but this language can almost do everything. For example just a web application that is user friendly, analyze any statistical data and much more. And new - this new Python has been used as the main tool for scientists to filter the data big data for any industry.

7. C
C language? Is not this already very ancient language? Some people doubt the ability of the C language in helping them create applications that are very strong and fast. If we want to build a software for embedded systems, the size of a small, fast and powerful access, then the C language is very suitable. Old-fashioned but very popular and are still needed. That is the advantage of the C language

8. SQL
Every good desktop application or website would need a container that can be used to store all their data. SQL gives us the ability to find the right information and rapid, repeatable and reliable. Using SQL allows us to create a query and retrieve data from small to large, and too complex.

9. Ruby

Want to create an application project or a large website in a short time? Ruby can help us make an application quickly. Ruby programming language known to be very easy to use to learn and very powerful. In addition, very strong build thousands of popular web applications throughout the world.

10. Objective C
If you are interested in creating applications for iOS, we can use the programming language Objective C. Meanwhile, in the last year we focused on the language of Apple's new Swift, Objective C is still the language dasa used to help create applications for Apple. With Objective C and Xcode, software development tools from Apple's official we can get it in the App Store in a short time.

11. Perl
Maybe some people will be very familiar with this Perl programming language. But this is very powerful programming language and is the key for anyone looking for data security for their web applications. Perl programming language has supported the development of web applications since its inception, and is still regarded as a major tool for every IT professional.

12. Net
Net is the main platform used to build Microsoft both for service and application development are always welcome in every release. Because of Microsoft's latest efforts are open sourcing, .NET now present in the Google and Apple as the platform. As a result, we can use the .NET as a programming language used to build applications that are easy to various platforms.

13. Visual Basic
Visual Basic is a language that we can use to build applications for business. A primary language of the .NET platform, allowing us to build applications that support our business and automate Office applications such as Excel. So really - really help us in completing tasks most commonly used.

14. R
R programming language is very powerful. R is a language that should be known to all programmers in the 2015's. This language is perfect for those who require a large data analysis and very serious. From science, business, hibura to social media. R is a language that can be used to learn to analyze statistical data in almost every field that we are interested.

15. Swift
In this year, Swift programming language has become the programming language that is suitable for application development worldwide. The language is chosen because it is fast and easy for the development of the Mac and iOS operating system of Apple. This application is a language that is friendly for beginners, allowing anyone to develop applications for iOS and Mac OS X.

source >> http://mediabisnisonline.com/15-bahasa-pemrograman-yang-perlu-diketahui-di-tahun-2015/

Selasa, 03 Maret 2015

Bisnis di Internet






Peluang bisnis merupakan kemampuan seseorang atau pebisnis untuk melihat adanya kesempatan berbisnis dari lingkungan sekitarnya . Peluang bisnis biasanya muncul ketika seseorang mempunyai niat untuk memulai suatu usaha walaupun dengan modal seadanya. Pengertian bisnis itu sendiri adalah serangkaian usaha yang dilakukan 1 orang (individu) atau kelompok dengan menawarkan barang dan jasa mereka untuk mendapatkan keuntungan atau laba. dan dimana setiap pengusaha harus siap untung dan siap rugi, bisnis tidak hanya tergantung dengan modal uang.
PTC adalah paid to click, artinya dibayar jika mengklik, anda cukup mengklik iklan yang ada pada blog atau web anda lalu anda mendapat bayaran. PTC merupakan sebuah program advertising yang memberikan komisi kepada pembaca yang menge-klik iklan yang mereka sediakan. Ada banyak situs PTC/PTR. Setiap situs memberikan bayaran yang berbeda untuk setiap klik iklan. Misalnya clixsense memberi U$0.01-$5 untuk setiap iklan yang diklik.
Hanya dengan menge-Klik iklan saja kita bisa dapat Rp 300.000,- sebulan bahkan bisa lebih banyak lagi. Tergantung kemauan dan ketelatenan kita mengikuti program ini. Oleh karenanya bisnis secara on-line atau bisnis lewat internet sangat di diminati saat ini.
Semakin maraknya internet di dunia saat ini memudahkan kita untuk mencari tentang bebagai macam jenis informasi bahkan ada juga yang memanfaatkan internet untuk berbisnis.Melalui internet juga kita dapat mengiklankan produk kita dengan memasang iklan di berbagai blog,web atau bahkan beberapa perusahaan sudah memiliki web sendiri guna memudahkan para konsumen,tidak hanya melalui iklan saja kita dapat berbisnis lewat internet.Di internet terdapat berbagai macam jenis bisnis yang dapat kita lakukan dengan modal yang sedikit oleh karena itu bisnis melalui internet saat ini sangat di minati banyak orang saat ini.
Inilah beberapa macam bisnis yang ada di internet :
  1.  Forex Trading Yaitu tukar uang dengan melihat nilai suatu mata uang.
  2.  PTR (Paid To Read) Teknisnya kita dibayar dengan modal membuka email yang mereka kirimkan.
  3. PPS (Pay per Sale) Metode bisnis via internet dimana member PPS akan ikut menjualkan barang dari penyedia PPS dan kemudian jika barang tersebut laku dibeli dari hasil affiliate link yang dipasang di web member PPS maka member PPS itu akan mendapatkan bayaran persentase dari nilai harga barang tersebut.
  4. PTC (Paid to Click) Sebuah metoda bisnis via internet dimana member PTC akan mendapatkan bayaran jika member tersebut melakukan klik pada suatu iklan tertentu dan melihat-lihat iklan yang di klik tersebut selama beberapa waktu tertentu yang dipersyaratkan oleh penyedia PTC. 

II.       ISI

PTC (Paid To Click) adalah bisnis via internet dimana member PTC akan mendapatkan bayaran jika member tersebut melakukan klik pada suatu iklan tertentu dan melihat-lihat iklan yang di klik tersebut selama beberapa waktu tertentu yang dipersyaratkan oleh penyedia PTC. Jadi member di sini cukup melakukan klik saja pada iklan yang ditentukan dan mendapatkan uang jika member tersebut melakukan klik sesuai dengan yang dipersyaratkan oleh penyedia PTC. Nilai pendapatan jika member melakukan klik valid berbeda-beda tergantung dari penyedia PTC namun rata-rata tiap klik valid iklan tersebut akan memperoleh 0.01 USD.
Hal pertama yang harus di lakukan untuk memulai bisnis ini adalah membuat akun email menggunakan yahoo atau biasa menggunakan gmail.setelah membuat atau sudah memiliki akun email,gunakanlah akun paypal sebagai media pembayaran,paypal dapat digunakan sebagai penyimpanan uang yang di dapat, masuk untuk mendaftar pada beberapa web berikut 1. bux.to 2. 10bux.net 3. neobux.com 4. duitbux.com 5. onbux.com
Sebagai contoh kita masuk ke onbox, Klik Register, lalu silahkan masukkan semua data yang dibutuhkan, dan jangan lupa menyimpan baik-baik username, pasword dan PIN) anda. Setelah selesai, silahkan cek inbox di email anda dan buka pesan dari Onbux lalu copy kode aktivasinya lalu masukkan kode tersebut di Onbux untuk aktifasi keanggotaan anda. Setelah dinyatakan aktif, silahkan login dengan menggunakan Username dan Pasword yang telah anda daftarkan sebelumnya. Untuk memulai menghasilkan uang, Klik menu “view ads” dan akan tampil 4 iklan. Klik iklan pertama dan tunggu hingga muncul 5 huruf. carilah huruf yang sama dengan huruf pertama lalu klik. jika anda benar akan muncul tulisan “Validate”. Lakukan pada iklan ke-2 hingga selesai kesemua iklan yang disajikan.
Berikut ini beberapa info perusahaan PTC yang benar-benar membayar pada membernya :
1.    Pyramidal Bux. PTC yang satu ini telah rutin membayar membernya hingga 0,21 eur per klik. Untuk menjadi membernya pin mudah dan tidak perlu investasi terlebih dahulu.
2.    Your King Bux.perusahaan PTC ini membayar  membernya hingga 0,22 eur per klik dan anda juga tidak memerlukan investasi untuk pertama untuk memulainya.
3.    Euro Big Bux. Perusahaan ini juga sama dengan legit bux yang berani membayar membernya sekitar 0,25 eur per klik dan anda tidak memerlukan investasi.
4.     Delight Bux. Untuk perusahaan PTC ini membayar membernya hingga 0,21 eur per klik dan anda tidak memerlukan investasi.

Banyak perusahaan yang masih aktif dan beberapa daftar perusahaan diatas itu sebagai referensi ketika ingin mencoba berbisnis PTC ini. Dengan hanya bermodal koneksi internet dan menyediakan waktu rutin yang tak terikan secara ketat, maka sepertinya bisnis PTC ini dapat di jadikan alternative mendapatkan uang saku tambahan di sela-sela kesibukan menyelesaikan study di bangku kuliah.


Sabtu, 28 Februari 2015

Every successful business is always constructed with a relationship

Josh Hartwell first started his business - Mobile Deluxe - in 2003. Now the company has become a new force in the world of mobile gaming.The company's flagship game - Solitaire Deluxe - has been downloaded more than six million times. How Hartwell build a successful mobile game business - without external funding - within five years before Apple opened the App Store?
Before he launched his business, he used his connections to get a commitment from the largest game publishers.He built a solid relationship and make that relationship as the most important thing. Here's how he did it:
 1. Do not miss the opportunity to expand your social circle
When you begin to realize your plans, the best approach is to do a great job, but do not limit your interest limited to what you are doing.
Every relationship should form concentric circles around you and more to help you expand beyond your comfort zone.
Be sure to attend industry events, workshops, and lunch whenever you can, then introduce yourself to those who are still unfamiliar to you.

2. Suppose that every relationship is valuable
It's not just about the customers and the boss, but also the people who work for you and those who are trying to sell something or asking for your help.Good relationships are to be balanced between the 'give and take'. However, you can not always expect there are tradeoffs in every relationship. Sometimes, when you plunge, you will not get anything.For it is very important to make a more reciprocal relationship when someone reach you.

3. Wake up relations with others as much as you can.

Learn this skill from the beginning of your career. According to Hartwell, in the game, the developers of different systems of programmers, different artists, different from the marketing people, and within these groups is gathered different people.
For that, do not just focus on the people who really make you feel comfortable. Find out about the kinds of different people, and how to establish a relationship with them.
These skills will enable you to effectively deal with businesses that have many types of people in it. It also will help you stronger, and more diverse than your own.

4. Be persistent in the right moment
Distinguish between being effective and persistent force annoying.
The best way to do this is to look at a person's body language when face to face. Initially some people who frequent contact by telephone will be apparent from their reaction to the first meeting that they were very happy.On the other hand, it is important to follow up the first contact attempt. If not persistent enough, you will not get a response and follow up.
Another approach direkomendasikannya is to use social media, such as by sending connection requests on LinkedIn, 'like' on Facebook, or post something on Twitter.
You can also comment on the post and grab the attention of people like it. Surely you do not want it redundant. However, you have a lot of alternatives to sending email.

 Source: Inc.com

10 Business Success Tips for Young Entrepreneurs

Some of the world's most famous and profitable businesses were started by students. Microsoft began in Bill Gates' Harvard dorm room, Google got its start on the Stanford campus as the computer science project of doctoral students Sergey Brin and Larry Page and thousands of other student companies thrive in every industry.

Even if you're not aiming to be another Bill Gates - maybe you just want to earn some extra cash with a summer landscaping business - you'll have to navigate some unique challenges as a young entrepreneur testing the business waters. Here are 10 success tips for young entrepreneurs.

1. Do what you love.
All successful teen businesses have one factor in common: Their owners love what they do - so choose asmall business idea that aligns with your interests, no matter what they are.

2. Know what you want.
Are you willing to leave school if your business takes off? Or do you envision your business as a side project? Being able to answer questions like these will help you organize your time and priorities.

3. Be radical...
In your late teens and early 20s, your thinking is fresh, original and full of energy. Don't be afraid to try something no one's ever done, create an off-the-wall product or shake up an existing market by changing factors (such as a service or delivery model) that established companies take for granted.

4. ... but follow the rules.
Being a young entrepreneur doesn't exempt you from registering your business, keeping records and paying taxes. Following these simple rules now will save you from legal and administrative headaches later.

5. Manage your time.
Running a business while going to school is stressful and difficult. Understand what is required of you in your separate roles as a student and a business owner, and employ planning and organizational tools - for example, a well-maintained appointment book, Microsoft Outlook or an online time/project management system - to make the most of your time.

6. Use school resources.
Being a student isn't a handicap in business; on the contrary, it can be an advantage. Your campus offers free computers and Internet connectivity, a host of potential employees and/or volunteers and the expertise of professors who would be happy to share their knowledge and experience with you. You're literally surrounded by people and resources, so make the most of your situation.

7. Find a mentor.
Buddy up with a local entrepreneur or business leader with a record of achievement to be yoursmall business mentor. Your mentor will help you understand the risks and challenges of business, provide a sounding board for your ideas and help you find investors for your company.

8. Exploit online resources.
Your computer can connect you to hundreds of online resources for young entrepreneurs. Immerse yourself in these resources; they'll help to inspire, direct and motivate you.

9. Be good to yourself.
Regardless of how organized and enthusiastic you are, some days will overwhelm you. Don't be afraid to step back from work and do whatever relaxes you. Whether it's the endorphin rush of exercise, the lively company of good friends or a quiet day of meditation on the beach, take advantage of opportunities to invigorate yourself and balance your responsibilities with relaxation.

10. Check your mentality.
One of the problems that can afflict young entrepreneurs is a mental block against, as Nike might say, just doing it. We've all been raised on stories of Internet billionaires, wealthy young actors and other tales of spectacular overnight success. Knowing how well other people have done in business and how quickly they've scaled the mountain is demotivating. It can make some young entrepreneurs lose confidence and feel as if they don't want to get started on a business unless it's going to be the next YouTube.
This is a self-defeating mentality. Combat it by reminding yourself that you're not competing against anyone but yourself. Do whatever it is that you can do today, whether that means tutoring, designing T-shirts or building online communities. The important thing is to get your feet wet - not to take over the business world.
The bottom line is that your student days are ripe with entrepreneurship opportunities. You may never again have the energy, resources or motivation to start your business, so get to work.

sumber : about.com

Jumat, 27 Februari 2015

How to Use Good Body Language

     Fixing body language can make a big difference when someone assess your personality. Good body language can show that you have the skills, the allure and positive mood. For example: if you often smile, you will feel happier. If you sit up straight, you will feel more energetic. If you slow down your movement (not in a hurry), you will feel calmer.
      Broadly speaking, body language consists of how you sit, how you stand, how you use your hands and feet, as well as what you do when talking to someone.
Below are some body language that you need to consider when talking to someone:
1. Do not cross your legs and arms.

You may have heard that cross your arms or legs may indicate that you are covered for you and the other person does not create a good relationship conversation. Always open the position of the hands and feet.

2. Make eye contact, but not looking at him.

By making eye contact on the other person you can make the relationship better conversation and you can see whether they're listening to you or not. But also not to look at him (continuous), because it will make the other person you become restless.
If you are not accustomed to making eye contact on the other person you are, indeed you will feel discomfort at first. But do it on and you'll get used to it someday.

3. Make the distance between your feet.
Gives the distance between the two legs (not sealed) both in standing and sitting indicate that you are quite confident and comfortable with your position.

4. Relaxed your shoulder.
When you feel tense, you will also feel the tension in your shoulders. Usually visible from the shoulders are slightly raised position and move forward. Try to loosen the tension by moving your shoulders and retrace back to back or leaning position.

5. Nod when the other person you're talking.
Nodding signifies that you are currently listening to. But that does not mean you nod excessive (continuous and fast) like a woodpecker :), because you will look like a made-up.

6. Do not bend over, sit up straight.

Bowing indicates that you are not passionate, and erect here means within the remit relaxed, not tense.

7. Lean, but not too much.
If you want to show that you are interested in what is conveyed by the other person you are, your body lean slightly toward him. But do not be too biased because you look like will ask something.
If you want to show that you are quite confident and relaxed, your body lean slightly backwards. But also do not be too biased, because you will look arrogant.

8. Smile and laugh.

cheerfully, do not be too serious. Relaxed, smile and even laugh when someone tells something funny. People will tend to listen to you if you are seen as a positive person. But do not be the first to laugh if you own that tells the hilarious story of her, because you will be impressed nervous and like asking for pity.
Smile when you meet someone, but they should not be smiling constantly as you will be deemed to save something behind your smile.

9. Keep your head position remain straight.
Do not look down when you talk to someone. You'll look like uncomfortable talking with the other party and also looks like someone who is not confident.

10. Do not rush.
It can apply to anything. For those of you who have a habit of going fast, occasionally try to slow down your street. In addition you will look more calm and confident, you also will feel your stress level is reduced.

11. Avoid movements that indicate that you are restless.

As touching your face, shaking your leg or tapping your fingers on the table quickly. Such movements indicate that you are nervous and can distract the other person or people who are talking to you.

12. effectively use your hands.

Instead you use your hands to things that can distract your interlocutors, as mentioned in point 11 above, you better use your hand to help explain what you say.

13. Lower the glass you drink.
Often we talk with someone holding a drinking glass in front of our chest. This attitude is somewhat less good because it will make the 'distance' that is quite far between you and your listener. Lower the position of the glass you drink, even if you have to hold it up in the near leg.

14. Do not stand too close.
In my article: How to Know Someone Being Lied, I had to review a little that people who change the position becomes too close to the interlocutor may indicate that he is hiding something or have a specific purpose. In addition, of course, will make his interlocutor becomes uncomfortable. Always keep a distance of 'privacy' between you and your listener.

15. Reflecting.
In the books on sale, I often find on the terms of this mirror. In essence, when two people are connected and having a positive conversation, they are not aware of each mirror each other. In a sense you will be a little mimic your body language speaker, and vice versa.
You can also perform proactive glass technique (consciously) to further improve the quality of your relationship and your interlocutors. For example, if the other person you are slightly leaned forward, you can also lean your body forward. If the other person you put a hand on the table, you can also do the same. Still keep in mind, do not do the mock movement with a very short lag time and almost all movements imitated. The other person you will see an oddity and looks like a circus. :)

16. Always keep your attitude.
What do you feel will be channeled through body language and can be a big difference to the quality of your relationship and your interlocutors. Instead, keep a positive attitude, open and relaxed.
Keep in mind that you can change the language of the body is not good, of course, as long as you understand that in order to create a new habit requires a process. Do not also try to do everything at once because it will make you confused and tired.
Focus only on 2-3 body language of your priorities and improve continuously for 3-4 weeks. After that time you will create a new habit. Then you can continue again for the next 2-3 body language.

sumber: Gordon R.Wainwright Book

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